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Locating Total Adblock

We offer Total Adblock on multiple devices, meaning you can browse the web in peace at home or on the go! You may not know where to find Total Adblock, but do not worry, within this guide we will show you exactly how to locate Total Adblock across all supported devices and browsers.

To see if Total Adblock is installed and to add it to your Google Chrome menu, follow the steps below:

Open Chrome

Click the Extension Icon

Select the icon at the top right of your browser.

Find Total Adblock

Once you how found the Total Adblock Extension, click on the Pin Icon to Pin it to your toolbar menu.

Not yet installed Total Adblock for Chrome? Click this button on your Chrome browser.

Download Total Adblock

Need help installing Total Adblock? Visit our installation guide
By default, Total Adblock will show on the extension toolbar, however if it does not, follow the steps below:

Open Edge

Click on the Extension Icon

Select the icon of the extension at the top right of your browser.

Click the Three Dots

Click Show in Toolbar

Not yet installed Total Adblock for Edge? Click this button on your Edge browser

Download Total Adblock

Need help installing Total Adblock? Visit our installation guide

Once you have downloaded and installed the Total Adblock Android App, you can find it by locating the app within your app screen.

Not yet installed Total Adblock? Click this button on your Android device

Download Total Adblock
Need help installing Total Adblock Android? Visit our Installation Guide

Once you have downloaded and installed the Total Adblock iOS® App, you can find it by locating the app within your home screen.

Not yet installed Total Adblock? Click this button on your iOS® device

Download Total Adblock
Need help installing Total Adblock Android? Visit our Installation Guide

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